IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA is an IDE developed by JetBrains.


User Inferface

Shortcut Description
⌘1 Go to project window
⌘9 Go to version control window
⌘4 Go to run window
⌘5 Go to debug window
ESC Go to editor window
⇧⌘] Go to next tab
⇧⌘[ Go to previous tab

Code Completion

Shortcut Description
^space Basic code completion
^⇧space Smart code completion


Shortcut Description
⇧⏎ Start a new line
⇧⌘↑, ⇧⌘↓ Move the current line of code
⌘d Duplicate a line of code
⌘⌫ Remove a line of code
⌘c Copy current line
⌘/ Comment/uncomment line or code section


Shortcut Description
⌘o Navigate to a class
⌘O Navigate to a file
⌥⌘o Navigate to a symbol
⌘l Navigate to a line
⌘f Find in current file
⌘r Find and replace in the current file
⌘g Next occurrence
⌘G Previous occurrence


Shortcut Description
⌥space Quickview definition
⌘click Go to definition