
A git repository can be thought of as a graph. Each node represents a commit on the graph. The head is what’s found on your disk - it’s the code you will find if you open any of the files through an external application. If you ever need to learn more about a git command, git help <command> can help.

Commit early, commit often. It's good practice to put different types of additions into different commits.

Note that when indicated below, <paths> refers to a file or set of files. Generally these may be fileglobs and can have a leading directory name. For example code.lisp, *.txt, and folder/file.txt would all be appropriate values.

Basic Concepts

Begin a new repository with git init.

A general git workflow takes the following form:

  1. You edit/create/remove a file(s).
  2. Those files are staged using the add command.
  3. The staged files are committed using the commit command.
  4. Finally, the files are pushed to a remote repository.

The git status command gives an assortment of useful information. Modified files, untracked files, current branch, and remote status are all displayed.


Staging defines which changes will be in the next version of the project. The git add [<paths>] command provides this functionality. The all option (git add --all) will stage all files already in the working tree.

But what if you want to only stage some of the changes in a file? This stackoverflow answer provides a helpful overview:

You can do git add --patch filename.x (or -p for short), and git will begin breaking down your file in what it thinks are sensible "hunks" (portions of the file). You will then be prompted with this question:

Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,j,J,g,s,e,?]?

Type y to stage and n to skip the hunk. q will quit and not stage any following hunks. a will stage this hunk and any future ones. Typing s will split the current hunk into smaller hunks. See the stackoverflow answer for descriptions of the other options.

Accidentally staged a file? The inverse of git add [<paths>] is git reset [<paths>]. A simple git reset will unstage all files. Just like git add, the patch (-p) option exits.

git diff [<paths>] shows you the difference between the last commit and the state of the current working directory. git diff --staged will show the changes that have been staged.


A commit creates a new repository version of the project. All staged changes will be included. A simple git commit will launch a text editor. A log message may then be written to describe the changes. git commit -m "Some message" enables one to more quickly create a commit.

If something goes wrong with your commit, you may want to change your last commit. Running git commit --amend adds all of the staged files to your last commit.

Switch to a specific commit (without losing all the commits made after it) with git checkout <commit_hash>. Then you can return to your branch by git checkout <branch-name>.



If a remote repository already exists, it can be downloaded locally with git clone. Record the repo's URL (for example and run git clone <url>. This will create a new directory on your machine. To manually link an existing repository with a remote one, use git remote. Simply run git remote add origin <url>.


If changes exist in the remote repository, call git pull to receive them on your machine. Depending on your setup, you may need to be more specific: git pull origin master. Sometimes, git isn't able to automatically combine your code with the remote code. This results in a merge conflict. Git adds lines to the respective files to indicate conflicts:

    [your code]
    [other code]

You may edit this file manually, but some very convenient file comparison apps exist.

Rebasing is an alternative to merging that changes your previous commits. Its a good way to add your changes without including merge conflicts in the change tree. Rebasing also often eliminates the need for a merge. The simplest way to do a rebase is with git pull --rebase.


Use git push to add your local changes to the remote repository. Depending on your setup, you may need to be more specific: git push origin master. The first argument is the remote name and the second the branch name.


A branch is an independent line of development.

Create a new branch with git branch <name>. Switch to an existing branch with git checkout <name>. Create a new branch and switch to it at the same time with git checkout -b <name>. Merge another branch into the current branch with git merge <name>. Delete a branch with git branch -d <name>. Rename the current branch to <new-name> with git branch -m <new-name>.

HEAD is a special pointer that points to the current branch.

Some git workflows (like gitflow) rely heavily on branching.


Information taken (often directly) from this page.

Use git stash when you want to record the current state of the working directory and the index, but want to go back to a clean working directory (e.g. if you want to switch branches). The command saves your local modifications away and reverts the working directory to match the HEAD commit. Note that the stash is local to your Git repository; stashes are not transferred to the server when you push.

Call git stash to shelf current changes. You can reapply previously stashed changes with git stash pop. Alternatively, you can reapply the changes to your working copy and keep them in your stash with git stash apply.

By default, git stash will stash staged and unstaged changes. But it will not stash new files in your working copy that have not yet been staged or files that have been ignored. Adding the -u option tells git stash to also stash your untracked files. The -a option will include ignored files (as well as untracked files).

View all stashed with git stash list. To provide a bit more context, it's good practice to annotate your stashes with a description, using git stash save "message". You can choose which stash to re-apply by passing its identifier as the last argument, for example: git stash pop stash@{2}. If you decide you no longer need a particular stash, you can delete it with git stash drop (e.g. git stash drop stash@{1}). Or you can delete all of your stashed with git stash clear.


Tags are most commonly used to mark release points. Tags may be lightweight or annotated. "A lightweight tag…[is] just a pointer to a specific commit. Annotated tags, however, are stored as full objects in the Git database. They're checksummed; contain the tagger name, email, and data; have a tagging message; and can be signed and verified with GNU Privacy Guard (GPG)" (Pro Git). Annotated tags are meant for release while lightweight tags are meant for private or temporary object labels.

Operation Description
git tag List available tags
git tag <tag-name> Create a lightweight tag
git tag -a <tag-name> -m <message> Create an annotated tag
git show <tag-name> Display tag data
git push origin <tag-name> Push a tag to shared server
git push origin --tags Push all tags to shared server
git tag -d <tag-name> Delete a tag

Note that git tag can also accept a commit hash as the last parameter. With out the commit hash, the most recent commit will be tagged.

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