Hash Tables
A hash table implements the dictionary (or map, associative array) abstract data type. A dictionary maintains a set of key/value pairs. These data structures support four operations.
- Insert a pair into the collection.
- Delete a pair from the collection.
- Modify the value associated with a given key.
- Search for a given key's value.
Hash tables have the best theoretical and real-world performance for these operations at \(O(1)\). The \(O(1)\) time complexity for insertion is for the average case - a single insert can take \(O(n)\) if the hash table has to be resized.
Information on this page is taken from The Algorithm Design Manual by Steven S. Skiena.
We could implement the operations above with an array (keys would be indexes). If we have a large number of potential keys, this array would be massive (or even infinitely large given string keys). But lookup would be really fast. Another implementation could store each key/value as a node in a linked list. This collection would take up far less space. But lookup would be quite slow. The hash table tries to have both advantages (fast lookup and space efficiency). All operations on a hash table have constant average complexity (\(O(1)\)).
A hash table maintains an array. The data structure converts a given key to a position in the array (done by a hash function). A collision occurs when two keys go to the same location in the array. Collisions happen because the number of keys is usually greater than the number of array slots. Many methods exist for resolving collisions.
Collision Resolution
Two distinct keys will occasionally hash to the same value. This is a collision. Chaining is the easiest approach to collision resolution. Represent the hash table as an array of \(m\) linked lists (each called a bucket). After hashing the key, we search through the linked list to find the value. Chaining devotes a considerable amount of memory to pointers. Open addressing is an alternative to chaining. The hash table is maintained as an array of elements, each initialized to null. On an insertion, we check to see if the desired position is empty. If so, we insert it. If not, we must find some other place to insert it instead. The simplest possibility (called sequential probing) inserts the item in the next open spot in the table.
Hash Function
Hash tables use hash functions to map keys to integers. A hash function is a function that maps a large data set to a smaller data set of a fixed length. Hash functions return a hash code (or hash value).
Every hash function must:
- Consistently produce the same location for a key (a pure function).
- Uniformly distribute values over a table (to reduce collisions).
- Be efficient to compute.
The first step of the hash function is usually to map each key to a big
integer. Let \(\alpha\) be the size of the alphabet on which a given string \(S\)
is written. Let char(c)
be a function that maps each symbol of the alphabet
to a unique integer from 0 to \(\alpha - 1\). The function
maps each string to a unique (but large) integer by treating the characters of the strings as "digits" in a base-\(\alpha\) number system.
The result is unique identifier numbers, but they are so large they will quickly exceed the number of slots in our hash table (denoted by \(m\)). We must reduce this number to an integer between \(0\) and \(m - 1\), by taking the remainder of \(H(S)\) mod \(m\).
Hash Function Applications
String Matching via Hashing
The Rabin-Karp algorithm gives a linear-time solution to substring search. Substring search asks if string \(t\) contains the pattern \(p\) as a substring, and if so where. In the Rabin-Karp algorithm, we compute a given hash function on both the pattern string \(p\) and the $|p|$-character substring starting from the $i$th position of \(t\). If these two strings are identical, clearly the resulting hash values must be the same. If the two strings are different, the hash values will almost certainly be different (we can check). Note that we need our hashing function to be constant for this algorithm to be \(O(n)\) instead of \(O(mn)\). This may be accomplished with a rolling hash function.
Duplicate Detection via Hashing
The key idea of hashing is to represent a large object using a single number. Hashing can be applied to duplicate detection. Suppose we're looking to find if a given document is contained in a corpus. Explicitly comparing the new document \(D\) to all \(n\) documents is hopelessly inefficient. But we can hash \(D\) to an integer, and compare it to the hash codes of the rest of the corpus.
Java's standard library provides the HashTable
class. Python has built in
hash tables with the dict
type. Python also includes defaultdict
in the collections