
Information on this page is taken from The Algorithm Design Manual by Steven S. Skiena.

A problem is specified by describing the complete set of instances it must work on and of its output after running on one of these instances. For example, an instance of the sorting problem might be [1, 4, 3]. An algorithm is a procedure that takes any of the possible input instances and transforms it to the desired output. There are many different algorithms that solve the problem of sorting. See program modeling for more information.

We seek algorithms that are correct, efficient, and easy to implement. These goals may not be simultaneously achievable! See correctness and analysis of algorithms for more information

There is a fundamental difference between algorithms, which always produce a correct result, and heuristics, which may usually do a good job but without providing any guarantee. For example, the nearest-neighbor heuristic can be applied to the traveling salesman problem (TSP), but sometimes this heuristic doesn't even come close to finding the shortest possible tour.