SQL (Structured Query Language) is a language for interacting with relational databases in an RDBMS. This page was created with reference to Ben Forta's book on SQL.


  • A table is a structured list of data of a specific, consistent type.
  • A schema describes table layout (and other information about the database).
  • A table consists of columns and rows.
    • Each column is a single field with an associated data type.
    • Each row is a record in a table.
  • Every row in a table should have some column (or set of columns) that uniquely identified it. This is called a primary key. Primary keys must be unique and shouldn't be reused.


The SELECT statement retrieves information from one or more tables. At minimum, you must specify what you want to select and from where you want to select it.

-- Retrieve a single column.
SELECT first_name FROM People;

-- Retrieve multiple columns.
SELECT id, first_name, last_name FROM People;

-- Retrieve all columns.

Unique Values

Use the DISTINCT keyword to find unique rows. Note that the keyword applies to all columns, not just the one it precedes.

SELECT DISTINCT first_name FROM People;

Limit Results

Use the LIMIT keyword to control the number of rows returned. Note that SQL implementations differ here.

SELECT first_name FROM People LIMIT 5;

-- Start from row 5.
SELECT first_name FROM People LIMIT 5 OFFSET 5;


Use the ORDER BY clause to sort data retrieved using a SELECT. Be sure that the ORDER BY clause is the last clause in your SELECT statement.

SELECT first_name FROM People ORDER BY first_name;

-- Sort by multiple column names.
SELECT id FROM People ORDER BY first_name, last_name;

-- Sort in descending order (Z to A).
SELECT email FROM People ORDER BY first_name DESC;


Use the WHERE clause to filter data retrieved by the SELECT statement. The WHERE clause is specified right after the table name. AND, OR, and NOT may be used in where clauses. SQL (like most languages) processes AND operators before OR operators. Use parenthesis to explicitly group related operators.

SELECT first_name, last_name FROM People WHERE age = 21;

SELECT first_name FROM People WHERE last_name = 'Penson' AND age <= 30;

SELECT first_name FROM People WHERE last_name = 'Penson' OR last_name = 'Bland';

SELECT first_name FROM People WHERE NOT last_name = 'Penson';

The IN operator is used to specify a range of conditions, any of which can be matched.

SELECT last_name FROM People WHERE zip IN ('20005', '20036') ORDER BY last_name;

Various operators are allowed. Note that single quotes should be used for string literals.

Operator Description
= Equality
<> or != Non-equality
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
!< Not less than
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
!> Not greater than
BETWEEN <a> AND <b> Between two specified values
IS NULL Is a NULL value.


To use wildcards in search clauses, the LIKE operator must be used. Wildcard searching can only be used with text fields. The % sign matches any number of occurrences of any character. The underscore (_) matches any single character.

SELECT email FROM People WHERE email LIKE '%@gmail.com';

-- Find People (babies) with single digit heights.
SELECT height FROM People WHERE height LIKE '_ inches';

Calculated Fields

A calculated field is created on-the-fly within a SQL SELECT statement. Concatenate strings with the || operator. SQL supports mathematical operators like +, -, *, and /.

SELECT last_name || ', ' || first_name FROM People;

SELECT item_price * quantity FROM Orders;

An alias is an alternate name for a field or value. Aliases are assigned with the AS keyword.

SELECT last_name || ', ' || first_name AS name FROM People ORDER BY name;

SQL also provides a variety of functions for manipulating values. Unfortunately, functions tend to be very DBMS specific. Unlike SQL statements, SQL functions are not portable. Be sure to look at documentation for your specific SQL implementation!


SQL supports five efficient aggregation functions.

Function Description
AVG() Return a column's average value
COUNT() Return the number of rows in a column
MAX() Return a column's highest value
MIN() Return a column's lowest value
SUM() Return the sum of a column's values

The COUNT function can be used in a few different ways.

-- Count the number of rows in a table.

-- Count the number of rows that have values in a specific column.
SELECT COUNT(email) FROM People;

-- Count unique values.


GROUP BY divides data into logical sets so that you can perform aggregate calculations on each group. Note that groups may be nested by specifying multiple columns in the GROUP BY clause. Filter groups with the HAVING clause. HAVING filters groups, WHERE filters rows.

SELECT age, COUNT(*) AS num_people FROM People GROUP BY age;

SELECT zip_code, COUNT(*) AS num_people FROM People GROUP BY age HAVING COUNT(*) > 2;


Subqueries are queries embedded into other queries. SQL imposes no limit on the number of subqueries that can be nested. Note that subquery SELECT statements can only retrieve a single column. Attempting to retrieve multiple columns will return an error.

SELECT last_name, first_name FROM People
WHERE id IN (SELECT customer_id FROM Orders WHERE product_id = 32);

Joins are usually more performant than subqueries.


Relational tables are designed so that information is split into multiple tables, one for each data type. The tables are related to each other through common values. A join is a mechanism used to associate tables within a SELECT statement.

Note that you must use the fully qualified column name (table and column separated by a period) whenever there is a possible ambiguity about which column you are referring to.

Inner Join

The common inner join (or equijoin) is a join based on the testing of equality between two tables.

-- Implicit inner join.
SELECT vendor_name, product_name FROM Vendors, Products
WHERE Vendors.id = Products.vendor_id;

-- Explicit inner join (preferred).
SELECT vendor_name, product_name FROM Vendors
INNER JOIN Products ON Vendors.id = Products.vendor_id;

Outer Join

Suppose, you're hoping to find the number of products sold by each vendor. Some of these counts might be zero. The outer join lets you include rows with no mutual relation.

SELECT vendor_name, COUNT(*) FROM Vendors
LEFT OUTER JOIN Products ON Vendors.id = Products.vendor_id

The RIGHT or LEFT keyword must be used to specify the table from which to include all rows. Some SQL implementations also provide a FULL keyword that retrieves all rows from both tables.

Combine Results

A UNION is composed of two or more SELECT statements, each separated by the keyword UNION. Each query in a UNION must contain the same columns, expressions, or aggregate functions.

SELECT first_name, last_name FROM People WHERE state IN ('MA', 'IL')
SELECT first_name, last_name FROM People WHERE age = 50;

Note that this specific query could have been performed with multiple WHERE clauses instead.


INSERT adds rows to a database table. Complete or partial rows may be inserted.

-- Insert a complete row.
VALUES ('Elliot', 'Penson', 26, 'DC', 'elliotpenson@gmail.com', NULL);

-- Insert a complete row with explicit columns (highly preferred).
INSERT INTO People(first_name, last_name, age, state, email, favorite_color)
VALUES ('Elliot', 'Penson', 26, 'DC', 'elliotpenson@gmail.com', NULL);

-- Insert a partial row.
INSERT INTO People(first_name, last_name) VALUES ('Elliot', 'Penson');


The UPDATE statement modifies data in a table. The format includes the table name, column names/values, and a filter condition. Omitting the filter condition will update all rows in the table.

-- Update a column.
UPDATE People SET age = 27 WHERE first_name = 'Elliot';

-- Update multiple columns.
UPDATE People SET state = 'CA', email = 'elliot@company.com'
WHERE first_name = 'Elliot';


Remove rows from a table with DELETE. Be careful to include a WHERE clause!

-- Delete all Toms.
DELETE FROM People WHERE first_name = 'Tom';

-- Delete all rows!


Use the CREATE TABLE statement to create a table. Specify the name and a series of column definitions.

    id         INT      NOT NULL  PRIMARY KEY,
    first_name TEXT     NOT NULL,
    last_name  TEXT     NOT NULL,
    age        INT      NOT NULL  DEFAULT 0,
    state      CHAR(2)  NOT NULL,
    email      TEXT     NULL,

NULL columns permit NULL values, NOT NULL columns do not accept rows with no value. NULL. The DEFAULT keyword is used to specify default values.

Standard SQL types include INT, SMALLINT, REAL, FLOAT, CHAR(N), TEXT, DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP. Note that some implementations (like PostgresSQL) provide other types.


Relational databases store related data in multiple tables. DBMSs enforce referential integrity by imposing constraints on database tables. Constraints are rules that govern how database data is inserted or manipulated.

Primary Keys

A primary key is a special constraint used to ensure that values in a column (or set of columns) are unique and never change. No two rows may have the same primary key value. Use the PRIMARY KEY keyword in a table definition to define a primary key.

Foreign Keys

A foreign key is a column whose values must be listed in the primary key of another table. Foreign keys are essential for ensuring referential integrity. Use the REFERENCES keyword to define a foreign key.

    order_number INT      NOT NULL  PRIMARY KEY,
    order_date   DATETIME NOT NULL,
    customer_id  INT      NOT NULL REFERENCES People(id)

Unique Constraints

Unique constraints are used to ensure that all data in a column is unique. Unique constraints are similar to primary keys. In contrast, though, a table can contain multiple constraints, but only one primary key. Unique constraints can also be modified or updated. Use the UNIQUE keyword to define a unique constraint.

Check Constraints

Check constraints ensure that data in a column (or set of columns) meet a set of criteria. Common criteria include minimum or maximum values, a range, and specific values. Use the CHECK keyword to define a check constraint.

   order_number INT      NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
   product_id   CHAR(10) NOT NULL,
   quantity     INT      NOT NULL CHECK (quantity > 0),
   price        MONEY    NOT NULL


-- Add a column.

-- Remove a column.




Transaction processing is used to maintain database integrity by ensuring that batches of SQL operations execute completely or not at all. If no error occurs, the entire set of statements is committed. If an error occurs, a rollback can restore the database to a known and safe state. Note that individual statements are implicitly a single transaction.

Unfortunately, transaction processing is implemented differently in each DBMS. In PostgreSQL, a transaction is set up by surrounding the SQL commands with BEGIN and COMMIT. A ROLLBACK will cancel the updates.

-- PostgreSQL transaction.

Savepoints allow you to selectively discard parts of a transaction while committing the rest.

SAVEPOINT my_savepoint;
ROLLBACK TO my_savepoint;


Searching for specific column values can often be inefficient. The DBMS might have to read every row in the table looking for matches. Indexes are a copy of selected columns organized logically to improve the speed of searching and sorting. These data structures can improve lookup from linear to logarithmic or even constant time.

While indexes improve the performance of retrieval operations, they degrade the performance of data insertion, modification, and deletion. Index data can also take up significant storage space.

CREATE INDEX last_name_index ON People (last_name);

DROP INDEX last_name_index;


PostgreSQL (or Postgres) is an open-source SQL implementation. See the documentation for more information.

On macOS, PostgreSQL can be installed via homebrew (i.e. brew install postgres). PostgreSQL uses a client/server model. Run brew services start postgresql to begin the server. Create a new database with createdb <db-name>, delete a database with dropdb <db-name>.

psql is the PostgreSQL terminal client. This application allows one to interactively enter, edit, and execute SQL commands. The command takes the form psql <db-name>.

Meta-Command Description
\list List all databases.
\connect <database> Connect to a database.
\dt Display all tables in the current database.
\dn List schemas (namespaces).
\d <table> Describe a table (show columns)
\q Quit psql

Tricks and Examples

Remove Duplicates

Suppose we have a People table with Id and Email columns. The following command will delete all duplicate email entries keeping entries based on the smallest ID.

DELETE * FROM People p1
INNER JOIN People p2
WHERE p1.Email = p2.Email AND p1.Id > p2.Id;